Friday, January 4, 2008

Simply Ridiculous...Maine Stereotypes

Maine can be a state that is very stereotyped. [Especially if a certain person doesn’t know anything about Maine or that it is even a state for that matter. And yes, these people do exist.] These are just some stereotypes that I thought up. Most of them are not true, but there are some with a degree of truth to them. See if you agree [if you know Maine] or just have fun!/

There are moose EVERYWHERE and you see them at least once a week
[This is definitely not true. I have seen a moose twice while I have been in Maine.]
Everyone has been lobstering and loves to eat lobster or any other type of seafood

[I do know several people who have been lobstering but not many. A lot of people do love seafood, however, I am one of the exceptions because I hate seafood.]
“Wicked” is the favorite describing word of choice. “It’s WICKED cold outside.”

[This one is actually true for me. I say wicked ALL THE TIME. I don't know about everyone else. Personally, I hear it a lot.]
It snows here 24/7 365 days a year, and NO WE DO NOT HAVE PERMAFROST!

[Definitely not true, especially at the coast. Last year we got like 3 storms and there was no snow at Christmas. This year there are weeks we have storms every other day. Depends how winter’s feeling that year.]
Everyone has a funny accent.

[I don’t think that EVERYONE has a funny accent, but I certainly do know people that do. Personally, I believe that the Massachusetts population has a funnier accent. Lobstahh]
We’re Poor and live in the middle of the woods

[Hmm. Let’s think about this one. Actually, Maine is a very expensive state to live in, and most people do not live in the woods. Most. People.
All Mainers like to hunt.

[No. I have never been hunting. This is somewhat true though because I do know many people who like to hunt.]
We all wear those chunky work boots or anything. similar

[The only people I have ever seen wear this type of boot was when I was in High School the “Hick” crowd ALWAYS wore these. Including the Girls.
We are all Hicks. No more needed.

[Again. We are all not hicks, rednecks or anything. However, in some places of Maine you may find many.]
We all like camping.

[Camping is great…with a camper that is. This is just my personal opinion. Mainers camp just as much as all those other states.]
I’m from Maine, so obviously I live in a tent.

[Someone told me a story not too long ago where someone SERIOUSLY asked them if they lived in a tent in the woods and had electricity. I personally have never heard of anyone who lives in the woods in a tent.]
Flannel is the only clothing style.

[I still think of this one “clique” of friends who went to my High School. They are the only people I ever found who actually fit a lot of stereotypes. And some people do like flannel a lot, but let’s just say it’s not “in style”]
Inbreeding is popular [especially up north]

[Now, I have never gone up north but I think it is safe to say that they would give me weird looks if I went up there and married my brother.]
Four-Wheelers and snowmobiles are the ONLY form of transportation.

[We have cars just like everyone else.]
Having all of our teeth is an unfathomable thought.

Everyone’s dad is a fisherman.

[Actually, I don’t know anyone that is a fisherman. I think that there are a lot of fishermen down east- meaning north east along the coast]
Everyone from Maine lives in a lighthouse.

[Yes, someone asked a friend this too. And I’m pretty sure you don’t actually live in the lighthouse if you are the lighthouse keeper. There are houses close to them.]
How long does it take for a deer to turn into a moose?

L.L. Bean is our 5th avenue New York

[Some people may thing that, but most kids don’t run to their parents begging, “Please oh please take me to L.L. Bean! … All my friends have it!”]

I you disagree with anything, let me know.

RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY: Maine is the only state whose name is just one syllable. [After I heard this fact I went through at least 20 states seeing if it was true. It is.


rowlandw said...
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rowlandw said...


UncleRabbit1 said...

In regards to Maine stereotypes; you forgot to mention that the locals all like to hob nob with Stephen and his wife Tabitha and have to be on the constant lookout for vampires, werewolves, alien invaders, rabid Saint Bernards and girl outcasts with telekinetic powers.

Anonymous said...

well some of this is right some is wrong. i have lived in maine my whole life. i have been all over maine many times. i would say there is different groups of mainers. city life and woods life. i grew up in the woods so many of thease stereotypes are true. anyone who works outside or around heavy things wheres steeltoe work boot you have to where them for safty. inter many men just never take them off and put one real shoes. i have 3 pairs of work boot non steeltoe, steeltoe, knee high gum rubbers also steel toe. people who work desk jobs or just walk around and go to school dont where work boots. most people in maie have a very distanct accent i wouldnt call it funny but people in other states pick up on i wicked fast. most boys from the woods go hunting its nice and quite good time to thick get away from your gf/wife and it just alot of fn to shoot something clean it cook it and eat it. know you got this food with skill and hard work it like the feeling of pride you get when you earn your first pay and your first job, a i did this myself with no help. the whole do you have power thing get real this is the usa not africa. as long as you can afford the cost of getting to the closest pole than you got power. as far as the ll bean thing ive never evan been there i buy cheap boot because i go though them so fast. i also must add that the ways of life between the cost and inland northern maine are vastly different most the cost is city life. i like the woods. i was born in Mattawamkeag Maine and i plan to die there an old man in the house that i build with my bare hands with the pride of knowing i worked my hardest i split and stacked fire wood every year i fixed my car in my drive way when ever needed i gotmy own deer meat every year i tought my boy to be a man.

ps. i hate the cold but i have learned to deal with it

Anonymous said...

Ha ha a lot of these are right! Inbreeding so dose happen.... *cough cough beals island*

Anonymous said...

I hate the rick folk that come up to the habor. Driving like assholes, tossing trash out their car windows. It makes me sick

Anonymous said...

Ooh and "pinkfluffyduck" your typical spoiled little city living bimbo. Dont know shit about maine take a walk shoot a dear. Drill a hole in the ice and pull out a big trout before you talk about maine. Dumb girls

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Just thought you should know this person stole this from you.

Anonymous said...

None of this is true at all.

Anonymous said...

I am from Maine and always pictured people think of us as wearing lobsta boots and raincoats and we all live on the coast. Btw i live right down the street from ll bean bub! But really...we are like everyone else except we like the outdoors :)

Anonymous said...

I'm from Maine, and have lived here my whole life and some of this is true, and some is not true. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm born and raised in maine some of these are correct but it sounds to me like your from a citier part of maine cuz there are definatly more red neck folk round my area haha

Anonymous said...

"How long does it take for a deer to turn into a moose?"
Let's just give a moment of silence for this dumb ass.

Anonymous said...

I was in disney about a year ago and my family and I were at the pool and and woman was talking to my mom and she asked where we were from she said Maine ( of course) and she seriously said "your canadian?!) =_=*slowly claps*

Anonymous said...

All those statements are true, just ask any Masshole!

Anonymous said...

I retired to Maine only because my wife's family is from here. People in the city are pretty friendly. You go north of Portland you are in hick country.
I will say this I think Maine maybe the capital of the most grumpy men living in one state. Every other man over the age of 55 are fat grumpy non-social SOB's who need to move somewhere else or walk in front of a train and let us nice people live in peace. Don't you dare root for any other team than the Pats or Redsox or you'll be told to pack it and go.