Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Simply: Gem-tastic

Tourmaline. Personally, I think it is one of the most exquisite Maine gems. It comes in oodles of different shades of green or red, and even of the “watermelon” variety.
Just a little background info: The first tourmaline discovered in Maine was on Mount Mica. Two school boys happened across a patch of gleaming green crystals just barely visible in the soil-covered roots of an upturned tree. The boys, Elijah Hamlin and Ezekiel Holmes, discovered the green gems while taking a shortcut home through the Paris, Maine hills in 1820.
Later, after Plumbago Mining Corporation was established in 1972 they began to dig for their “gold” in the Dunton Gem Pit and, later that year, uncovered the "richest pocket of tourmaline ever found in North America". Eventually, this Corp. bought Mount Mica and continues to mine there today.

Watermelon Tourmaline found in Newry, Maine

Tourmaline was the first gemstone to be mined in North America, and the Maine tourmaline is especially known for its extravagant pink and green shades.

So, my advice to you is if you haven’t bought a Maine tourmaline piece, it is required that you do so. I, personally, gave a necklace to my mom for Christmas. Not only is it simply Gem-tastic! It’s Simply irresistible!

1 comment:

Tibbz said...

What happened to the blogs? You had some pretty good articles. I'm currently 8,000 miles away from Maine, from snow to desert.... I wouldn't mind reading some more of your work.